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CleAIR Rewards 會員計劃

CleAIR Rewards

Unlock Benefits with
Every Order

Get $50 upon first registration

Register as a member now, you will be rewarded with 5000 points, which can be redeemed a $50 eCoupon for shopping at CleSHOP online store.

Min 5% cashback reward

Member can earn points every time they complete a purchase in the online store. Points can be redeemed for eCoupons, which can be used on your next purchase.
Earn at least 5% cashback rewards on purchases.
Redeem points for e-coupons
Upgrade your membership level for better benefits

CleAIR Rewards 會員計劃

Earn points and turn them into rewards

  1. 01

    Sign Up

    Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program

  2. 02

    Earn Points

    Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.

  3. 03

    Redeem Rewards

    Redeem points for various discounts.

Program tiers

  1. 銀級會員 Silver Members

    0 total earned points required

    Earn Points

    • 網上購物 Online purchase

      Get 5 points for every HK$1 spent

    • 註冊成為新會員 Become a new member

      Get 5,000 points

    Redeem Rewards

    • $500 eCoupon

      50,000 Points = HK$500 off orders over HK$1

    • $200 eCoupon

      20,000 Points = HK$200 off orders over HK$1

    • $50 eCoupon

      5,000 Points = HK$50 off orders over HK$1

  2. 金級會員 Gold Members

    38,000 total earned points required

    Earn Points

    • 網上購物 Online purchase

      Get 5 points for every HK$1 spent

    • 註冊成為新會員 Become a new member

      Get 5,000 points

    Redeem Rewards

    • $500 eCoupon

      45,000 Points = HK$500 off orders over HK$1

    • $200 eCoupon

      18,000 Points = HK$200 off orders over HK$1

    • $50 eCoupon

      4,500 Points = HK$50 off orders over HK$1

  3. 鑽石級會員 Diamond Members

    108,000 total earned points required

    Earn Points

    • 網上購物 Online purchase

      Get 5 points for every HK$1 spent

    • 註冊成為新會員 Become a new member

      Get 5,000 points

    Redeem Rewards

    • $500 eCoupon

      40,000 Points = HK$500 off orders over HK$1

    • $200 eCoupon

      16,000 Points = HK$200 off orders over HK$1

    • $50 eCoupon

      4,000 Points = HK$50 off orders over HK$1

How to earn points and redeem a coupon?

Earn points
  1. Click "Become a Member", register as a member.

  2. Log in as a member before shopping online each time.

  3. After completing your purchase, you will automatically earn reward points.

Redeem a coupon
  1. Log into membership zone.

  2. Click "My Rewards".

  3. Choose your reward and click "Redeem points".

  4. You will get a coupon code.

  5. When you check out at CleSHOP online store, you can enter the coupon code to enjoy the discount.

Terms and Conditions

  • When a member reaches the relevant points threshold, the system will automatically update their membership level without the need for any additional application from the member.

  • Membership level has a 2-year period, and customers need to earn qualifying points within this period to maintain their level.

  • If a customer fails to earn the number of points to remain in a certain tier within the eligibility period, they will move to a lower tier that aligns with the points they’ve earned during that period.

  • CleAIR e-coupon can only be applied at CleSHOP online store, it cannot be used at other platforms.

  • Redemption coupons are non-refundable, and cannot be redeemed for cash, sold or exchanged for any other products or services.

  • CleAIR Group reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

  • Should there be any dispute, CleAIR Group reserves the right of final decision.

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